
Phototaxis ARt

Phototaxis is a project that approaches light as an analogy for connection and life, but also anthropocene and human influence.


Phototaxis – animated 3D sculptures

We had the pleasure of working together with multidisciplinary artist Anu Raatikainen to bring her 3D sculptures to augmented reality.

Her exhibition is called Phototaxis. Below a quote from Anu’s website.

Phototaxis is a project that approaches light as an analogy for connection and life, but also anthropocene and human influence.

The project aims to create a light art pieces into a natural environment, a kind of shrine or an utopian space, where, in the best scenario, nature and art meet in a synergetic way.

As a phenomenon that plays between the material and the immaterial, the visible and the invisible, light is a great material for pondering the still unspoken and uncrystallized possibilities. In addition to time and physics, light is linked to nature and the energy production of living organisms, as well as to electricity and artificial light, and in that sense also to our industrial energy production. Light represents life to us on a primitive level and attracts people and other living organisms in a biological and subconscious way.

Client: Anu Raatikainen / anur.fi