…are <iframes>, just like embedded YouTube-videos!
A customiseable <iframe>-code snippet can be placed on your website in a suitable spot.
We use the p3d.in-platform for 3D-embeds as it’s reliable and versatile.
3D embeds can be used to show anything in a memorable way.
✔ construction / property development
✔ product presentations
✔ explosion diagrams – X is made of A, B and C
✔ education
✔ training / onboarding
✔ 3D-maps
✔ much more!
Interactivity makes everything better, more interesting and effectively memorable.
3D embeds support a few different types of interactivity:
✔ launch animations
✔ exploded views
✔ show information
✔ guided tours
✔ multiple variants in one embed