Augment your booth surfaces by using them as webAR target images – add interactive 3D content and show it through an iPad Airplayed to a big display and attract visitors to see your booth!
Add AR content to your printed handout material – it can be the same as your booth-content (budget-friendly) OR something else. An augmented layer of digital content allows for the addition of much more brand-related coolness and you can change the content over time to keep it fresh – add a special offer to the AR content after the event for example.
If your event will be marketed using print materials such as:
✔ posters
✔ flyers
✔ outdoor advertising
✔ magazine ads
✔ …or anything else printed
…you should definitely consider adding an augmented element to your prints. Some additional information in short video format and links to socials and tickets.
To make it even more interesting, add a dynamic element and change the content over time, a video can be easily swapped to feature new speakers / artists / announcements for example!
Is your event on social media – on one platform or many of them?
Is influencer marketing part of your event marketing?
Can you benefit from UGC or social media contests for your target audience?
Create custom AR filters to boost social campaignes and engage your audience. Spread event awareness – “share a story with our filter for a change to win free tickets!” for example!